Case 5 represents the case of essentially caznplete removal of risk to
allow unrestricted usec. Cases 2, 3 and 4 represent compromises on use,

cleanup and risk between Cases 1 and 5. These factors are summarized
in Table 5-13 along with cost data to provide a basis for overall consideration of each case. The cost data are devcloped in Section 5.6.3.
Reviewing Table 5-13, the best combination of features is found in Case 3.
In this case cleanup is practically complete; the problems of ¢dontaminated

pandanus and breadfruit are minimized; restriction on population movement
is reaeowersty minimal, except for the restriction of no residences or


agriculture on Enjebi; the 30-year doses are resqwmmeti-. low; aad the
“maximum annual doses fall within AEC guidelines) and Tae yncreas ed me radrolgread


expressed as bee fls eheets, "3 No mor Thon gee! wy Ae decreed risk fram backg vou nel

Estimated Costs



The estimated costs for cleanup operations involved in Cases 1

through 5 are summarized in Tabie 5-27. These estimates were based
on the assumption that work would begin in late 1975 using estimated
values of services and products applicable to 1976. These values were
determined from contracts and recent historical purchasing data.
Base camp rehabilitation includes the cost of renovating the
existing structures on Enewetak and any new construction connected with
the establishment of the camp. Cleanup costs are those associated with
the actual rédivicogical and physical cleanup work on the individual islands.

They include estimated travel times from the base camp to the work

sites, as well as a contingency for time lost due to weather conditions.

The technical support costs are those which are associated with planning,
engineering, and estimating activities pertinent to the cleanup program.
The costs included in logistical support are for air transportation,
helicopter operation, barging and shipping, interisland marine operations,
packing and crating of equipment and supplies, general services for
Government agencies, operation of off-site offices in Oakland and

Honolulu, and the hiring and processing of personnel. Maintenance and
operations costs included all base camp operations associated with the
program as well as procurement and maintenance of equipment.
To obtain a broader view of overall costs, twelve million for
rehabilitation and resettlement should be added to the estimate of any of
the five cases. This estimate is based on the tentative budget allocated

by the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands for this purpose.


estimate does not include provision for administrative or agricultural
maintenance costs beyond the first 2 years of the operation.



Select target paragraph3