

Coconut crabs would be taken for consumption from the southern

islands only.


Wells intended for providing groundwater for human consumption

or agricultural use would be drilled only in the southern islands,

Jinedrol through Kidrenen. Prior to being approved for use,
water from each well would be checked for salinity, bacteria
count, and radioactivity.

Lagoon fishing would be unrestricted. Cleanup Actions. Under the conditions presented in Case 2, there
would be no cleanup of any radioactive materials on the atoll as cleanup is
restricted to the southern islands where no radioactive contamination .
occurred. In Table 5 -"Case 2 provides an exception to the cleanup
actions generally meant by Row l. The level of cleanup of nonradioactive
materials would be limited to the southern islands, Jinedrol through


Kidrenen (Figure 5-2), and would include:

Removalof all physical hazards.


Removal of all debris which would obstruct the development
of villages and agricultural areas.


Disposal of unsalvabledebris by dumping in the lagoon.


IT b& Conclusions. Case 2 limits all foods sources to the southern
islands which action is difficult to justify as some of the northern islands
are only lightly contaminated. Also, itis difficult to justify limiting
travel to the southern islands since ambient gamma levels on the northern
islands do not represent a significant external exposure potential for

occasional visitation.

Case 2 does leave the problems of contaminated

scrap on many islands of the atoll, and the Pu in the soil on Runit, Boken,
Lujor, and in the burial sites on Aomon, unresolved. It also leaves the

generally contaminated areas on Bokoluo, Bokombako, Kirunu, and Lujor
as they presently exist. There is also a question as to the ability of such
a limited land area to support 400 people, with a continuous upward
population growth rate.
A selection of Case 2 would necessitate the establishment of off-

limits areas in perpetuity, at least for Runit, since the metallic Pu can

be expected to be on the surface of the island indefinitely. Under present
conditions, there is a potential for exceeding established standards
through inhalation, and the possibility of spreading contamination if
access to the island is not controlled as itis at the present time.



Select target paragraph3