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Dr. Conard previously requested that we obtain permission to give two
out of five buildings on Utirik to the people for building materials.
Since DASA, in a letter to the Trust Territory Government dated

Sugust 16, 1963, transferred the buildings on the six weather/rad-safe
sites to the Trust Territory, it appears this request should be directed
to your office.

However, it is requested that the other three building s

be retained for the use of the AEC Medical survey team.

If DASA releases

the leases on all of the sites, this office is prepared to continue the rental
payments on the site occupied by the three buildings on Utirik.

Your cooperation in returning the Marshallese patient to her home on
Rongelap is very much appreciated.

As soon as Mr. Heine has notified

Dr. Conard of a firm sailing date for a ship to Rongelap in February, we
will probably be requesting your assistance in obtaining an SA-16 about
February 28, 1967 and again about March 14 for the Medical survey team.

Again your interest and cooperation is very much appreciated and we assure
you we will continue to maintain an active interest in the welfare of the

Marshallese people and the Trust Territory as a whole.
Very truly yours,

William A. Bonnet

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