

werk WeebedER Ble hed?

British reaction was sober -— not hysterical. In the face
of the realities outlined in the announcement the press received the British
Govermment's decision to produce the hydrogen bemb (announced 17 February)

as a grim but necessary deterrent to war.

The Associated Press reported

from Britain that "the jittery tone sounded in the British press following
the Bikini tests eleven months ag» was almost completely absent",

The Australian press took a sober .~. ratinnal view of

the announcement. Of three editorial comments reported, one points out
that the H-Bomb is a weapon of race suicide, while another lauds Churchill's
15 February announcement that Britain will build atomic power stations as
a note of sanity in an insane world of atomic bombs. One paper speculates

that the AEC announcement was a propaganda device to call the bluff of the

Soviets, because they have been boasting of successes in the field of nuclear


stockholm. As of February 17, no Swedish comments or even news
coverage of .EC repnrt, despite wide USIS dissemination February 16 of text
and Swedish interest in general subject.

As of February 18, limited ecoverage and no editorial comment

in Egyptian press.

Buenos Airese

No government reaction and no Communist exploitation.

As of February 18, no reaction press or otherwise noted.


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