It can be seen from these estimates that people living on
Eneu Island can be expected to exceed the provisions in the
Federal standard for the 30-year dose of j,000 mRem. The
average annual dose of 2~0-300 mRem is less than the 500 mRem
specified in the Federal standard for an individual. However, the dose for some individuals may well exceed the 500 mRem
because of the variation between individuals. As suggested
in Federal standards and observed in the people who were living
on Bikini Island in April 1978, individuals can differ from
the average by a factor of 3.
There are a number of other factors, both radiological and
non-radiological, that should enter into any decision on
whether people should live on Eneu Island, Among these are
the following:



Any exposure to radiation is believed to cause some risk of
ill effects. Exposures should be kept as low as is
reasonably achievable.
Socio-economic considerations.
Viable alternatives to return to live on Eneu.
The value of land to Marshallese and its importance in
their culture.
The problem of marketability of copra from Bikini Atoll.
The close proximity and easy accessibility of Bikini Island
and its housing and coconut resources.
Importation of the total diet except for marine items.
The reliability and difficulty of applying administrative
controls intended to limit exposures.

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Select target paragraph3