STANDARD FORM NO, 64 Office Memorandum © UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO FROM : John Bugher, H.D., Director, Division of : SUBJECT: SYMBOL: DATE: Biology and Medicine, Washington 4H, srat¥™ssr00), Chairman, Committee on Health and Safety Criteria for Licenses January 6, 1955 WE DRAFT OF HEALTH AND SAFZTY REGULATIONS TOR AEC LICENSES @& gnagag HSL:HS The first reasonably complete draft of the above regulations has just been finished. Several copies are transmitted herewith for your information. It is the opinion of the Committee that these are in adequate shape to present to lir. Harold Price at this time. I should be most happy to discuss the regulations or any of the details at any time you might designate, Enclosure: Draft US DOE ARCHIVES 326 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COM MISSIOM RG _DOE” HISTORIAN Collectic, Box (08) “32 3356 Folder FY rr a * : ‘| Fy ae WitWid,oe ‘pow ARCHIVES