listed in Section 5¢.

Vehicles that cannot be decontaminated

will be disposed of or parked in hot parks.

The hot park areas

will be fenced and marked with appropriate signs.


Radioactive Material
All radioactive material brought into EPG, exclusive of Source
and Special Material, will be registered with the AEC Branch
Chief or H&N Rad-Safety Superintendent.


Contaminated Areas
The support contractor will survey all contaminatedareas
periodically to establish radiation levels.


Contaminated areag

will be marked with appropriate warning signs indicating ganma
radiation levels.

Signs will be placed to indicate alpha con-

tamination when prevalent.

Maps of contaminated areas will be

prepared to reflect the general radiological siguation as

Removal Radioactive Material
No radioactive material will be removed from EPG without the
prior approval of the AEC Branch Chief or the AEC Rad-Safety


All radioactive materials which are removed from

EPG will be packaged, monitored, labeled, and loaded so as to
satisfy the procedures of the AEC Rad-Safety Officer and the
Interstate Commerce Commission regulations for transporting



Select target paragraph3