
TG 7.5 Rad-Safety Organization will operate additional
rad-safe check points when it is determined necessary
for control of TG 7.5 personnel only.


Construction activities in radex areas will be accomplished at the discretion of the CTG 7.5 and the AEC
Rad-Safety Officer.


All parties entering a full radex area will be required
to have a certified monitor accompany them.


monitors are responsible to the party leader.


Work parties will provide their own monitors.

If they

are unable to do so, TG 7.5 monitors pool or TU-6 RadSafety Organization will provide the monitors.


TG 7.5 Rad-Safety Organization will have training courses
for monitors as required.


It is required that the rad-safety monitors, and any
others as directed by the party leader, shall be briefed

at the Rad-Safety Building, Site Elmer, and/or Site Nan,
prior to receipt of an access permit.

A situation map

showing the results of a radex survey will be used.


Rad-SafetyEquipment and Clothing

In general, entrance into full radex areas will require
full rad-safety clothing.

Clothing worn in limited radex

areas will be determined by the TG 7.5 Rad-Safety Organiza-

tion and TU-6 as a particular mission |,







Select target paragraph3