
The attached notes/taken by me of the salient events and the public hearings

on Ujilang. These notes are not to be considered as a complate record of
the proceedings. Howsver they are fairly comprehensive, especially those

of the reply of the Enwwetak Leaders to the Air Force PACE PRogram*presentation.
These notes are practically verbatim.
I understand that transcripts and taperecordings of the hearings will be

made available to the Administration;by the Hearing 6fficer.

As is now known, the PACE Program was unanimously and unequivocally denounced

and rejected completely by the Ujilang (Enewatak) Community. Their reply to

the PACE "presentation" Was dignified firmg and logical in view of what
has happened to them over the past more than one quarter of a century of
exile. They cited the loss of islands and attrition and damage to others

of Enewetak Atoll. They want no futher damage, no matter how small, done

to their beloved homeland. They want no fubther destruction of their natural
resources of land and sea. They refuse to accept the reassuring statements

of the PACE officials which minimize the damage and destruction that will
result from further explosions on their atoll. They have had enough, it is
quite clear,

ee eneerte tee



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