

will now explain tne songs "Enew Bok en Jabar Leen " (A sandbank cannot

produce fruit). All of the Enewetak Beople in the meeting house rose and

sang the song. It was beautiful, dramatic, and moving.
The next song was "0 ¥okwe lok Ailing eo At" which the Magistrate said means

"Oh how I long to return to my homeland, but I cannot because I do not have

a boat." The Literal and accepted translation of this song, sometimes called
the Marshallese National Anthem is "0 How I Love My Atoll." This was a
very moving experience to hear. Ths Marshallese visitors were overcome with
-remotion upon hearing this deeply meaningful song.
The Magistrate then said: We will conclude with another song and then we
Will give gifts to you.

' The concluding song was another hymn: ™ MBnén$ In Lelok" (Happiness in living).
He tnen said, atter this moving hymn was sung: Enewetak Is Minel Hy inewetak!
There is handicraft for everyone, he concluded, fi.e. help yourselves .7

This concluded the proceedings. The visitors returned to the ship after saying
goodby to tne Enewetak Leaders and community.

The field trip ship got underway for mnewetak at 1530 that afternoon.

The PACE program was unanimously and unequivocally denounced and rejected

completely by the Ujilang (Enewetak) community. Their reply to the PAC


—_—" 7

"presentation" was dignified , firm, logical and restrained considering what
has happened to tnem over the past more than one quarter olf a century of exile.
They have stated that they have saarificed enough for the United Swates. They
cited the loss of islands and attrition and serious damage to others of
Enewetak Atoll. They want ne furhher damage, no matter how small, done to
their beloved homeland, They want no further destruction of their valuable
Natural resources of Land and sea, They refuse to accept the reassuring
statements of the PACE officials which minimize the damage and destruction
tnat will result from further explosions on their atoll. They nave had enough,
it is quite clear,
The beautiful and moving song and
of their experiences and hope for
those whose decisions will affect
symbolism and message are obvious
and even cursory knowlesige of the

Jack A.Tobin

hymms which the community sang:wers .:symbolic
tne future, and were a final message to
the Lives of the Enewetak People. ine
to anyone with any sensitivity or percevtion
trials and tribulations of the Enewetak

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