







I wish to acd to the soopla who stood up and aaid PACE is bad.

I refer to the pacer sumt to us stuay prior to the arrival of sob denny

Tha pacer said toatl tia da.n72 will not Se creat.


Accordins to the siecturegs Aida tia sovies I gaz they started tha “Acs tests

dn tia tuitad uiates. Tf i. is cma trat the destrcoetion frou t.a samlosions
is not Lon? Lastin:, “cy crete taeav not dung in ths other pooulsbau Stites?
Wig worg thay dona wiera cnimalc, pitc, cice ara ama not odopls? And “fF it
dg true tnat tne casts wi LL hou cestroy or domave ths Land why was all top
Soil aii vaysvation recayeur wy wag it nob aone with all or tha coil and

¥esovaszion intact?

And if tiass tests do not co haavy daangaywhy

were the peodle of ensvetak


renoved to Ujilang? way were tauzy mot leit om angwetax and the tests cone there?

I believe that ths reason thoy moved the tests to Snavetak is becarsathe
@olosivea are stron, ena will Us serious datats in tas thves statse/a the

United states/, places wrote thay do not want danaze.

Accordinz te sob Ueany there cana only be LY acres danazed fro3 tae tests. I
have a question for [00 iomry, vho is restonsibls and imevlodsscole as

director of ths prowrs. oF quzsticn is: how uuny acres are ture between

Biking and Utrik or iikini ana i: neslap? The reason I ask thia quastion is

that I heva not heard ad I ao nos noid to bear fron sci-entists md Lawyers.
Lo imoy tac bre bomb.

fas « iicini nas danaged tongeles ‘ana Utrik ac tus

pooois have surfored fras this.

X kelisyo that, That Gon5 Gcslocad of bikini years aco was much snaller than
boxbs explace! On Guewatak Nowe cefore closinz i want to ask a question to ths
diractor of
tue prowsna on =novitak. The question or varaple is: inere is a

merenact shiaox the initoa utates. 1t is on tha racifiec sesan.

.$ is a cargo

ship, that is all I mow avout it. If a Russim aarolomme boabs it and cestroys
it waoat Will tha United Suates thinky What will be tuo reacsion of Auogricans?

If the answer ig war then wa the seople of cnow:tak, baca.se we have no
Weapons, wea sould bhava to react this way: to ret.rm there to imswabak when
thay explods tha beaubst
In conclusion i want to bring up tyelve noints:

1) on unowetak accordinz to Seb Henoy thera ara 12. emlosives to be dstonated.

Atcovain;: to Boo tency very Little cdmiace will result from thige ir this is
trus, if tocre is no dans, t doutt want to :3t information Irea sciontists
or Ouners, J wont to saa it. J want

tha flrst tanb te bs aro ced aon tua

Hizh Comuissi nerts house. 2) And thosa peovle who hava done this to us,

Wao have coved un out of our bWouos, I ask siat the second bomb ba axpladed
next to tue hora.
of sob penny. 3) And if it is true thatine dase. is

Miniaal f ask that ths third bomb be placed 19 acras ayay from thea hone of
the Secretary of Defensee 4) I ask that they co as they did to tua snevetak
People: nove President lion out of his hous) and placa a bomb LY acres avay
from his housd. 5) Also place a bouo 19 acres eayay rrom tha vhito xouse.
6) I also want you to taka ell of the boubs utiich ara Lert over end put thea
in a desert in BuSSisy far away froa peoole, tmore only amiaals liva. if

wis AS wrua that tia boubs will do no daaas.

J would Liks to say mora but think that with all that has baen said bofora

it ds enough. 1 agree.

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