
In the absence of atmospheric tests these levels

are expected to continue to decline generally except for small
transitory rises during the next few spring seasons. The annual (1963) national average for those areas of the United

States showing the highest values was 26 “strontium units”
in milk. This is less than the 32 “strontium units” predicted
and should foretell less in the bones than predicted.’ Incidentally, the amount of strontium 90 in the milk produced
around the Nevada Test Site is among the lowest in the


In general, past predictions of levels of strontium 90 in bones
have been too high. This is due in part to the selection of data
in the upper ranges to avoid underestimations of radiation exposure. Even so, it is remarkable that the observed amounts

of strontium 90 in bones have been within about a factor of

two of the predicted amounts considering the fact that such
predictions require the application of many scientific disciplines—nuclear physics, meteorology, chemistry, plant and

animal physiology, etec.—often to new situations.
That segmentof the U.S. population whose boneswill receive
the highest radiation dose are children born in 1963 in regions
of heavier rainfall. The total radiation exposure to these children—from internally deposited as well as external radionu-

clides— has been predicted to be about 465 milliroentgens(0.465

roentgen) accumulated over a 70-yearperiod. !


The predicted average 70-year radiation dose to the bones
of the age group receiving the highest exposure from all past
tests— about 465 milliroentgens (0.465 roentgen) from all radio-

active materials within and outside the body—is about five
percent of the bone dose received during the same 70-year
period from natural background sources.

with the latter constituting a reservoir holding about 96 percent of the atoms.
Nuclear detonations can also produce carbon 14 by inter-

action of the neutrons, produced at the time of the explosion,
with nitrogen of the atmosphere.

Approximately 400 mega-

tons of total yield fired in the air (surface bursts “lose” about

one-half of the neutrons into the ground) will produce a sufficient amountof carbon 14 to equal the amount normally pres-

ent in that part of the earth’s biosphere that determines
radiation exposure to man. However, half of this newly-added
carbon 14 “disappears” into the deep ocean within about 33


One-half of that remaining in the atmospherelikewise

“disappears” in the following 33 years, until only a few percent
Radioactive isotopes act chemically similar to their stable

counterparts so that not only is stable carbon but also carbon
14 found in all living cells. Thus, although carbon 14 emits a
beta particle of very low energy that travels a very short
distance it nevertheless irradiates essentially the whole body
at a rate of approximately one milliroentgen (0.001 roentgen)

per year.

This is the natural background rate for carbon 14.

The Data

Since nuclear weapons testing started 511 million tons total
energy yield have been released. Considering the conditions

of firing (surface versus air bursts) about the same amountof
carbon 14 was produced from all past tests as is normally pres-

ent in that part of the earth’s biosphere that determinesradia-

tion exposure to man.

Assuming that most of the carbon 14

produced by the detonation will “disappear” into the deep ocean
with a half-time of 33 years, the estimated whole body exposure
for 70 years is 37 milliroentgens (0.037 roentgen).!
After this 70-year period the dose rate from bomb produced

earbon 14 will be about one-quarter of that at the start,i.e.,

Background Information

Carbon 14 is produced naturally by interaction of cosmic
rays with the nitrogen in the atmosphere. Although its radioactive half-life is long—5760 years—the process of natural
production had been going on for such a great time that the

rate of production and rate of decay were in equilibrium, i.e.,

just as muchis formed each year as decays away, until nuclear
test detonations were initiated.

There is a constant exchange

of carbon 14 atoms between the atmosphere and the surface
of the earth on the one hand, and the deep ocean on the other,

about one-quarter of one milliroentgen (0.00025 roentgen) per

year. Thereafter, the activity will persist for thousands of
years but at ever decreasing levels.

The radiation exposure from carbon 14 may account for
roughly one-third of the total radiation dose from fallout over
the next 70 years. Because of its long radiological half-life,
it will persist at low levels of activity for thousands of years.
However, even before the 70-year period is completed the dose
rate from carbon 14 will be so low as to be non-measurable.
This does not mean that the radiation is not “there”butit will

Select target paragraph3