Station B-30.

Compared to the nearly logarithmic decrease in

.oncentratitons between these stations, the concentrations of
at a rate of 3.5 times faster than the


137 Cs decrease

23942405. concentrations measured.


distribution of similarly increasing



Pu/ 137 ~'Cs ratios to the northwest

of the Zuni Crater ranqe from 5.76 to around 30-40 and indicate the second distribution observed.
These data show that relative to the distributions of 23942405, 24h am,


155 Eu, the regions of high 1376 concentrations are restricted
in geo-

graphical area.

Such localized regions of high

137 Cs concentrations were

also noted by Nelson and Noshkin (1972) in the surface sediments of Eniwetok
Atoll lagoon.

Because 13766 has volatile radioactive precursors, its initial

distribution might be expected to be significantly different from the refractory radionuclides Pu, Am and Eu.


Bismuth-207 and Cobalt-60
The areal distribution of the concentrations observed for

the induced radionuclides

between that for
tribution of


2074 and 606, (Figs. 16 and 17) is intermediate

Pu and that for



The similarity of the dis-

207 Bi and 60 “Cot 0 239+240 Pu is that decreasing concentrations in

lagoon sediments appear to radiate from high concentrations at Stations B-2
or B-20; the ratios

239+240 pu/"'Co

across the central lagoon.


Bi to that found for



23942405 1/278; are almost constant

The similarity of the distribution of


~Co and

Pu is that the highest measured concentrations of

these three radionuclides occur in crater sediments and show Jarge and systematic variations at different locations in Bravo Crater.

Bismuth-~207 is an induced radionuclide produced by reactions such as
2065), (d,n) 20755
Struction material.

The lead was present probably as a device or harge conSince the major source of 2078, to the lagoon environment

Select target paragraph3