dominate the solid phase of plutonium and controls the equilibrium between
ursequestered species in natural waters.


Plutonium and Americium Distribution in Soil and Sedimentary
Andelman and Rozzell (1968, 1970, 1971) have presented a consider-

able body of information concerning the sorption of aqueous plutonium onto

In these articles, they find that the relative amount of plutonium

sorbed by silica varies with the ionic strength, pH, concentration, and distribution of the sizes of the colloids in solution.

Sorption was found to be

drastically reduced by the presence of 1072 Mbicarbonate jon in solution.
The sorption of Pu (IV) onto silica was found to reach an apparent equilibrium

after 12-15 days' sorption.

Aging solutions of Pu (IV) for up to five days

rrior to sorption resulted in progressively more sorption onto the silica,
After five days aging, however, decreased sorption of plutonium occurred.
Their results indicated that slow coagulation of the hydrolysis products of
Su (IV) yields colloidal species whose size determines their sorbability onto

They conclude that the sorbable species were of two types, and include

positively charged ions (which are rapidly sorbed) and low molecular weight


two steos.

Desorption of plutonium from silica grains was found to proceed in

Approximately one-third of the sorbed plutonium was found to be

‘rently bound and desorbed with a half time of 350 days, and two-thirds was
released into a water bath of "infinite" volume (at pH 7) within hours.

Cuursma and Parsi (1974) measured distribution coefficients


“<tterranean Sea sediments and sea water spiked with
Pu (III), Pu (IV), and
*- (1) under both oxic and anoxic conditions. They found distribution co-

ei clents of about (10°

in each case, with half times for attaining an equili-

'* cf from one to four days.

This rate is not appreciably different from

Select target paragraph3