species and the concentrations and physical-chemical forms of plutonium in
natural waters.

However, as stated by Silver (op. cit.), the behavior of

nlutonium presents a far less troublesome problem than the definition of

“natural water."

The complex chemical and variable situation existing within

the biologically productive environment at Bikini illustrates this problem

Schell (1974a) has reported on the physical-chemical states, in situ-

of 155,


Pu, and


Am and other radionuclides in Bikini Lagoon.

Europium and americium both apparently exhfbi

soluble components, with JE xe
a yb
the >.3 pm particulate fraction containing 18-100 and 30-100 percent of Mee”

radionuclides, respectively.

The remaining fraction was found as <.3 yma

was interpreted as being colloidal-particulate material.

Plutonium, on the

other hand, was found to exhibit a large “soluble” fraction with the <.3um
fraction showing a large variability in relative proportion and the ».3 um

particulate fraction comprising between 4 and 75 percent of the total activity.
In summary, there exists an interesting question as to the deoree to

wich certain radionuclides (Ce, Pm, Eu, Pu, Am, Np, etc.) have been released
fro- their sphere of influence in the original fallout particle.

[t is also

evident that the very refractory nature of plutonium dioxide, which is a
eessitle form of condensed plutonium, could have a significant effect on its
sutsequent environmental behavior and redistribution.
ascut the behavior of americium in the environment.

Very little is known
Although a great deal

rrre {s known about plutonium, the complexities of its distribution between

y Bossible physical states is troubling. Evidence exists that Pu02 (C03)2
‘s te dominant soluble plutonium species in seawater, in vitro, although


“tivers model (op.cit.) would predict that the low complex forming tendencies
c* the #6 state favor it as the dominant state in seawat

The presence of

*t* very stable and insoluble compounds Pu0o and colloidal Pu (IV) probably


Select target paragraph3