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in the Marshallese.

However, in September 1969 surgical exploration of -

the thyroid on 5 Marshallese with palpable nodules revealed malignant o
lesions in 3 additional people.

Two of the malignant lesions occurred
in women in the more heavily exposed Rongelap group, one in a 36 year
old female who was 21 ysars of age at the time »9f exposure and one in a 22 year
old female who was 7 years of age at the time of exposure. This latter


case represents the first malignant thyroid lesion

to be noted in the

group of heavily exposed children who have the highest incidence of benign

These recent findings greatly increase the concern about radiation

- induced neoplasms in this population.
lesion was noted

The third individual with a malignant


in a woman from Utirik island,

Since the dose of radiation

« .

. received by that group was very low, it is highly improbable that this

lesion is attributable to radiation exposure.


Surgical exploration of thyroid nodules,


Thyroid operations have been performed at the following times: 3 in.

1964*, 3 in 1965%*, 5 in 1966:%, 3 in 1968%*, and 5 in 1969***,
At surgery-the gross appearance of most of the thyroids were lobulated
but in addition contained grossly discrete masses (See Figs.2-4),The benign
thyroid lesions exhibited multiple nodules varying in size from a few
millimeters to several centimeters.

They varied from soft to firm in

consistency, and were hemorrhagic or in many instances cystic.

It was

noted in some that there was increased fine vacularity over the surface
of the gland similar to that which has been noted in thyroids which had
been treated with large doses of 1317 for hyperthyroidism.

Some of the



*by Captain C.A.


U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam.

*xxby Dr. B. P. Colcock, New England Deaconess & Baptist Hospitals, Boston,


*kkby Dr. B. M. Bobyns, Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, Cleveland, Onio.




Select target paragraph3