the Bikini Atoll people were asking for money. Millions of dollars to repair
their island and make it suitable for them. To inform the U.S. Congress for
this purpose, a committee was appointed, the Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation
Committee, of which I was the chairman. And wefor a number of years

reported to the Congress on the progress made by Lawrence-Livermore and by
Brookhaven, and what we thought about things in general. So there are a
series of reports. I suppose I should have mentioned that. And then I was
the referee of the Rongelap ReassessmentProject. It's the last thing down on
this. And that, the same thing there, that the Rongelap people were
requesting money. And so in my reports to Congress I would summarize the
work which had been done, or was being done, and then what more needed
to be done.


Well, uh.


Thoseare finished by the way. I see the Bikini people signed off

somewhere around “88. The Rongelap people, I should think signed off
around ~91, something like that.


Well, I think I've asked you about everything that I can think of.

If you can think of anything else you want to let me know about, orlet
posterity know about, please feel free to.


All right I will. Let's see. I want to look up Reynold Brown. We

have Cooper Brown. We have Harry Brown. We don't have Reynold
Brown. Nope. Got a Alice Buck here. Well, I'm going to go upstairs and get
you that.


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