In answer to a question by Mr. Murray, Mr. Hollingsworth stated
that all the proposed modifications were to the advantage of the govern-

After further discussion, Commissioners Libby and Murray indicated
that they approved the recommendation of AEC 639/4 and suggested that the
General Manager proceed with this action.

Mr. Libby said that Mr. Strauss

had indicated that he approved the recommendation of AEC 6390/4.


Research Reactor for MIT

(See AEC 909)

(pp. 10-19)

Mr. Cook referred to ATC 909, which stated that the General Manager

would approve issuance of a construction permit for a research reactor at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ard inquired whether the
Commis.ioners had any objection to this action.
on the

M:. Pittman then cc mented

‘waff's review of tos hisard problems arising from the po! st.


answer to a question by Mr. Libby, Mr. Pittman said that MIT voulc
obliged to meet the AEC requirements for financial responsibility fur
accidents if such a requirement were established.

Mr. Pittman observed

that the General Manager would determine that MIT was technically capable
of and financially responsible for such an undertaking and would aliocate

special nuclear material to be used over a forty-year period.

He added

that if inspection of the construction indicated compliance with approved
plans, and ir the operation satisfied health and safety requirements, the
construction permit would be converted to a license.
The effect of long term material allocations to licensees on the
flexioility of th. total U-235 stockpile was then discussed.

With regard

to this problem, Mr. Libby raised the question whether government ownership of reactors would not provide more flexibility than private ownership.

Select target paragraph3