April 1875: Preliminary survey of Bikin' and Enec Islends condocted
jointis br University of Washington
aud Brookharep National Labora torr
for ERDA Sereening surrer of erterna! redistion levels and collection of
some soll and vegetation samples in

See \VO0-26-2' apd BNL O79

preperation for a major survey Later

thie reer.

June J975: A major One grid surver of

Bikini and Eneu Island external ra
distion levels was conducted br Lawrence Livermore Laboratory for
ERDA with pérrticipetio: br acientists from EPA. University of Weshingion. Brookhaven Natione] Labora.
tors. and ERDA. Also semples of
soi}, plants apnimats. and cistern and
ground water were collected,
April }976: A surver of external radiaHion jevels on Nam Island, the 3a
larges: islend af Bikini Atoll. conducted br Brookbaver Nationa) Lab
orstorr for ERDA.
September 187G. Conduct of eg joint
surver of 5 Atolls including Bikini
hy Universitr of Weshington end
Broohheter Nations) Laboratorr for
ERDA Survered erterne!? redistios
levels and collected environmental

April 1077: Bite visite by Brookheren
Nationa) Leboratory to plan inetalletior of windmill powered air mam.
vling stations Bikici Atoli one of
four sites fur iong-term air sampling
Work supperted br ERDA.
October 1877: Brookharen National



lopg-term air sempling statio:
Bikicj IJsisod. Work snpported

Exposure rates on Bikini Islend
higbis variable Eneu Island dase
rates Jower thar. Bikini cistern.
water on both inland: is acceptalde
for drinkivge Some well wate; acceptable. other wells upscceptalile
for drinking. See UCRL—-S287).
S1&87%@ Bev. 1, 539173 Pio. 6217
Si87S Part 2 SI8To Pari 3, 5147¢
P..5. NVO-236%- 32 ‘and BNL SOim:
To be published

To be published

Bite identifed. agreemen: obtsined

Dats po: yet avaliable.


Ins.vs Counting and Cringe Berocency Saompling—Bekini Atoll
Bemplsng ‘Cowntinr:



Pooled orine collected, anglrzed for Sr-90. Ce.137, and Pu-23%
Pooled arine collected analyzed for Sr-80. C137. and Pu-23g, 240
Pooled urine eollected Ce-187 copcentration sbows factor of 4 Increo~+
197G. Sr-00 increese ie factor of 2.
Cs-137 In urine higher then 1870 by factor of about 10. Sr-9 increase is

factor of 4.

April 18t4': First ip viva counting of Ce-137 in Bikini residents Cr-137 urine
Taeluet about sate as 1973. Br-OC Jevele down pear 197¢ values Pu-23¢. 24:
higber than 1971 br factor of about 5.‘
Apri: 1975: Po-23t 240 higher tbac 187] by factor of 16.

Fall 1076: Pu-238, 240 bigber than 1971 bs factor of 2.'Cr.137 urine talue-~

TEesults from several sorveys podliabedc ip one report Br-OC and Ce-lf? are dominant in
(be Cerresiria! eocvircomenp!,
Oc apd FeSt ip marine exvirormer! and Am-24) anc
Pr act _24c are [eo portaot ic eofle Eactoactivity on Birin’ Ato! bas decliped getlificaptls
faut log em. Gfereat indiridcals al Mikeren( timer ar people come abd go at Bikic!

Be BRL W474 Rep: 1075
‘Thee resolts suspect. samples

fn 2305 of




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