hada drought. ands shartace of fresh water ayLahins: Suey as hing
NITThe Cocehint blk tanWiev npety ore




Mr. Yates. Did they eat the coconuts and did they drink the milk

Lican& vou weren't providing them with adequate food and water!
Mr. Dr.aud will have to_defer to our friends jir, Intepiecs


War provide



Mil Yates. Will somebody answer that? Who are his friends ur


ok JJevL Lem

pot spre.

VY ATLA pe yy van don't have anv friends.
ierAL. d wasafraitof that.

Mr. Yans. Somebody ought teranswer that question.
Were vou on duty then. Mr. Winkel? When did vou take office f

Mr. Winker. I tookoffice in June of 1977,

Mi. Yates. Who did you have in charge of this operation?
Mr. WixkeL. I was in charge of the operation, and under me the
District Administrator was in charge of tho operation. The feeding
Juosrain Was autiated in October and November of 1077, and ample

food supplies to provide a halanced diet were delivered. have bee:
delivered. Nutitionists accompanying these supplies and staying wit],

the wemrile fe> = reriod of time to help them and assist them in the

utihyation of the food and so forth. We have no reason to believe the
fond was nat consumed, inasmuch as there is no evidence of uncon-

stared quantities in anv size at all,
Mi. Yates. What kind of food did vou deliver to them? Did yas

alse deliver water to them?
“US. Department of Agriculture foods. and fresh foods

Trot Lounapr. aadwater was delivered. I do not know myself in what


Porhap- the District Administrator could respond to that. because
he lias accomnanied one of the shipments in the first instance.
Mi. Yarrs. Let's hear from him.
Wiis veare trving to find autis wher they went back tothe coconuts

and the Meh oT COTO TE warnedagainst cating the coconuts and tne

ITT. peBrum. Iam the Deputy Administrator of the Marshall
Islands. ”
Coconut is something that the people can see. They will drink the

nak. They do that even when we visit the island periodically. They
affer vs coeceets to drink. so as Jong as they have coconuts in their
«believe that theywill drink it.
on inthe face of warnings not to drinkit?
Mr. O.nelrian Yes, sir.
Mr. Yates. Then they continue to eat the coconut and drink the milk
and cat the food that the government gives them.
Mr. O. ppBrun. The Jast time T was there they were still eating the
coconuts. They have been told not to eat them. To stop them from eat-

vo2that.sir, we have to remove the people fromthe islands or cut down
‘otal numberof trees.

.Yares 7 hat isthe only way you cen doit.

eee os 74

Select target paragraph3