Mr. Yares. Thenjp Tall of spdder nox that you are ERDAyou

find the mi
a tae In T5 we were asked by the Department of Interior for
er Bullding additiona) houses in the interior of Bikini Island.

It was at that time we mounted a rather large survey effort which

included a lot of people going out and walking around the island with
instruments. We have very large surveys done at that time with 30 or

40 people going out and making measurements of the soil, water sam-

ples. vegetation samples. and measuring the external radioectivity.
Mr. Yates. Were these tests being taken prior to 1875 as well ?
Yes. But not anywhere near the scale we did this time. We
concentrated on Bikini Island. It is precisely for this reason we want to
have an serial survey because we can cover much more territory and
much faster and we can see the same levels.

When you have a person walking around, it takes more time.
Mr. Dewcan. I understood vou to say that this rise in the level of
measurements of strontium began in 75 and that your preliminary
analysis indicates that it is coming from the food source and that that
food source began to mature last year.

How can we measure the increase in °75 when vou sav that it 1s coming from the food if the food wasn’t being produced until] “17?
pirat That isa very good question.

r. McCraw has done 8 lot of those surveys.


McCpiw. When the people first returned. there were few if any

terrestrial food items grown in Bikini Island soi!. and available for
their use. There are some things that grow wild. There were a few coco-

nuts and arrowroot. There was a significant planting of coconut trees
during the arigcultural rehabilitation effort.
Mr. Duncan. Those were the ones that began maturing in 76? Am I
not correct ? We are in '78. so last vear would have been ‘77. But now he
is saving that the planting began to mature and it was “76, So we are
narrowing the gap.
Mr. pEYorna. It started in '76.
Mr. Dewcay. It could be coconut or arrowroot that was being consumed prior to “76. You began to notice 6 rise in the levels of cesium

and that those lerels have risen more rapidly since the domesticated

plants matured and were consumed bythe inhabitants.

Mohs We were initially using a predictive capability fora

number of items in the diet that are now growing in the atoll. All we
could do at first was sample the soil and try to predict the Jevels in



Mr. Yares. Where were they coming from? You said a number of

items were not being grown.
McGeaw. A number of items of the normal diet were not locally available when the people first went back. Those things have
subsequently become available and we are seeing an increase in availability, an increase in uptske, and vou can't see at what exact point in
time things occurred.
Mr. Duxcan. Is there a leve) of sophistication to measure this that
has been increasing? So we might attribute the greater levels to a
greater ability to measure what was there al] along?

Mr. Dear. Yes, and measure it easily. You can always measure if

you took samples of soil and vegetation and went through a very costly

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