




WSchroebel: ls
June 20,


ofT WEC Brn

Federal Radiation Council (FRC).


In 1959 by Executive Order

the FRC was established to advise the President and to provide
guidance for Federal agencies.

The mission was assigned to the

Environmental Protection Agency in 19.
Basic FRC numerical standards and health protection philosophy
are similar to those of the International Commission on Radiological

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Numerical criteria (aad-supportingmaterial) are

provided in 1. Radiation Protection Guides (RPG), deal with exposures

of individuals and of population groups where actions are directed
primarily at control of the source of radioactivity;

2. fox)

Protective Action Guides (pac) BGexposures of individuals and
population groups to radioactivity from an unplanned release where
action is taken in the production and use of foods.
RPG, Radiation Protection Guides, express the dose that should
not be exceeded without careful consideration of the reasons for
doing so.

Every effort should be made to encourage the maintenance

of radiation doses as far below this guide as practicable.

The RPG's

are intended for use with normal peacetime operations, and there

should be no man-made radiation exposure without expectation of
benefits from such exposure.

Considering such benefits, exposure

at the level of the RPG is considered as an acceptable risk for a

The RPG's for the population are expressed in terms of

annual exposure except for gonads where
5 rems in 30 years is used.

the ICRP recommended value of

FRC states that the operational mechanism

Select target paragraph3