
Pacific Northwest Laboratories
P.O. Box 999

Richland, Washington U.S.A. 99352

Telephone (509) 375-2421
Telex 15-2874

January 12, 1983

Dr. Edward T. Lessard
Safety and Environmental
Protection Division
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Associated Universities
Upton, Long Island, NY


Dear Ed:

Enclosed are ten (10) copies of the last book for the Marshallese.
Roger, Bill Robison, Tommy McCraw and I went to Majuro in December to

describe the information in the book to government officials and magistrates from the northern atolls.
Please distribute them to your colleagues.

to Charlie and John.

You might even give copies

I do not have Bob Conrad's address, so would you give

him a copy (I assume he has left the Lab).
please call my office.

If you need additional copies,

Even though I expect to do nothing further in the Marshalls, I am very
much interested in following the body burden data. Therefore, I would
appreciate receiving copies of your reports. I am also interested in the
results of your thyroid dose re-assessment.

I mentioned to Roger Ray that

you might be able to do a similar assessment at Mejit and Utrik (I remember
only Rongelap being in your study). Questions were asked about Mejit and
Utrik thyroid doses when we were in Majuro.
With best regards,


wW. Jd. Bair, Ph.D.

Environment, Health and
Safety Research Program

Enclosures as stated

J. W. Baum, wo/enclosures
C. B. Meinhold, wo/enclosures


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