Be Eecaweicons Cxcopt fox tho Lon: teat rides to cuter Island job
sitWoy very. fow min hours wore wactiods lok ef ths ploleup vork
was hand lubor so that cqrscont x. t idle eulte often, Hore
apmain, the verssttlity of ocdrment operaticns ds invostarte
Since tho Ded Tractors would not M16 inte the Ly S's, tho D~7
Tractor and the Srort—ind Leaders wore the work horsos on outer
Aiclands with limited acccss.

Ge DWicin’ Mativess Although tho Olid motives covtetlaitved to the
work Derce, the primcry
-ponactt cay be icng rengte

They caw cur

Mess hondling xadtonctive metal and thus becens less exctionaLiin '
thes foar ef sadiation, Lore and the othor leaders hore with us
for thre sontha moon understced the otount of york Involyed and
appreciated why the total PrOGgvan wilh take a» fou| yoarss




Qe Cam: Tha food WoplontiAd and yory ‘yol, prepared. cota poor
and seed £fcod vere tuo of the mele factors In the high nomle
exonz the nets Our suai camp store ta good business, Mo clubs,

as such, wore sct Ups Beer «ma sold ty the casa to individals. wr

be Ropoxtat Freon ny point of vlev a written ueekly procress report Sway

saitietents, lothiay daity and CTS 8.94947 sutmtted vedtdy me ‘y

rerorts te the NAO, AEC and CTE Ses reapoctivelye


os Disolpline and morale: We had a fow rinor pereachor of techDance’,
Nons of these vere with the mon from Holuog and Naryor, ALL.were
hencled here entiotactorilty. In gonoral, moraie was gcods |

Langusta Innting end dn diving supplatonted vheytalty nountatn~ af
tel, music and nightly wovies Lor recroatlons



ae Mail? Eocaise cus APO had recently beon withdmm trea\ ancthes |
Alot, WS sacelved much madi destined for people not assoclated
with:the pivjocte Woelly mail aohivery was satisfacterye





fe Radio: Our £53 one Mianatt wadto using a closing v aiitenna prow
vidod highly raliabla veles“qumunications vith Honclulus. Con=

trzstomcuprited tealmictans/crcrmtors wore well trained andy


dorendaklos The Motorcla VEY radics vere also hichly rellatile
within the Attell. Admorcudd cornunieations vore g.od although
guite cht the woolly surly iano aid not inocu cur frewonotes



and Tanded withewt mdlo contacts A vory trportant mernle factor
‘vas the pions patch to fantiies in Honolulu two aigits ovweeks,
be Claceifiad comunioticnst Tha only wy we eculd rocelve or tranm ~
wit classified infomation ius by retctered sell. Tho mtureof
our operation tas such thet ne sexlous ee serilted fren this
restrictions I sont cit no claesified darmaurts or messagame Those

recalved by mall were gmomily Tocalved after the fact anda Prinarlly.
eoncomed sidp movonantse

1 Encl.


letter fromTTG ftep to

GITG 248 dated 8 Oct 6






Colonel Cokes US ary



Select target paragraph3