For eritioal Ltome, wo uct omicred mncther cne fox the £4 lowing

wool: howiny that ene ofthe tu wuld ReThvce

In:acne CALLS,


orJcred tha camo tom theoo tines in an ofort to get ono heroe


“Mud of who pian Ts cur cum for notcsotapishing aTinta

prhorkty orstut to rreelude berriny of critico:ul diene. fnsinter

futaro opcrations,

rorrecontative of J=4



bo arcimned to duty noar the loacdtne alrhase to ingurs that ene
oif20 tase aro Tonded and then tracked through the oyster. The
close relationsiip Lotvoon 045 ond tho contractor is ossentdol




to cpvretions, Thia evme tyre of roletionship betiumen tho TOS at
Thelen and tho ccntracter in acaentiel to a mecoth Slow ef suppplicas
Soth CatG &—5 and tho TCU handled Inzistie probloma quickly and
aiflolontly ‘and kopt our cpormticna on schodule despite those prob= 0 shu

A difforent ormnimticnal otra
in Nonolulu or a Jad,

expoditor night Tavo prevented many problons
froz occurrings.



(2) Seaxlitt wna tincly and adoquates Me could nomally plan on

cloamp operations halting for two dys whenever a ship arrived,
Lith a cnall work Lorce 26 took a total offort to handle the cargo

dn a tinsly manmnova

The ALATOA arrived with three hundred druna

of fuck cil Leadbd on the helicopter deck with no provisions for

unloading into Lighters.

The Captain of the ALATNA infcrmed no ,


that they oculd have Joadod the ship differmtly but had been|Freale

informed in Honolulu that we had unloading facilities heros —

de Supports As mnonticnad above, both CJTGC,§ and tha TCO at Tictes
quidlly and cffoctively found ecluticns to cur logictie probleng
for spocific eritical items. Glotal Asecolates at Kvwnjalein, in

purticuler Tom Hardiscn, cunriied us vith essential itenise iithout
this support from Miajalicin, our completion date wuld

a nonth later. Depot type maintenance support fron £.5.9.6 been
“Johnston euprlied us with robullt engines and essenblies without
which ve could not have kept our beats rumninge




Qs Recommendstionas

(1) Thot a oincke office be resvoncible for coordinating procure=

ment, cneciing prioritics of movement, and tracking sunplics

through the transportation syste. This office mst establish
oloce working relationship with all carriers — oir and Bete

(2) Thot in future operations, more consideraticn be given to

eatablishing bull fuel sterace and means of resupply.


ae GOcnetsructiont


The mmbera and types of equirnent scalcoted for

the opornticn proved ecatlofactory.

A tracked frov-ond loader,

trascavator, would have been very elective, A larger crauler
sranc wuld have saved much of tho strein on the smillcr cranese
Tho Jarce Suclid dmye with tholr rucced bodies acaamplished

their task but thay are not dosigned for cross-country movements



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