Aprvesriste comments of the provicus covundcr, Cole eack Ravlings,

are contained in veeltly iro:ovens vonert dated 12 duno if69. in
analyring the emcraticn, 1% Lo bvortent
to realise that until the

end of dine 1¢OHI, tie teted funds weatatle werd wWiccrisin, thoro~

Lore; prierition, soonbeaticn, cohcoiles, and other ccéicions
Drier to that time were mide under sovero fund linttaticns,.




a» Structures JTC é.2 wes tallored as a combined Coversttiimt-—Ccntractor
orceucntione This covbinaticn proviced the speclalizcd talents,
‘experienced craftsmen and militesy transportation cup ort tict one

abled mo to crorate. sffkielently vitlo maintaining the Tladbility
#0 ogsential to remote operntions. On short notice, © was able to
obtain the following: denclition nen, a Nevy sblvageteam, sidlled
carmenters, opcratorss mocha:ica and special accigmont aiflifte
be MNamiscnente Exgontiolly, t nd opcrational control over two sep»
arato tntermaliyenana,sed Glenents —-— the Navy Eoat Element and

Holmca and Uarver, cur contractor. The other military percomel,

fnoluding the doctor, rovortad ciroctly to me wile my devuty
gorervic ed the actions of the Teblte Kealth Service nen deter

mining the sudlation cavieemnte Uy ceruty, ae contract aduinise
tretor, supervised directly the work of the centractor. Sonedays
we worked as many as fer islands cencurrentlye With this die~
fer icon of sesources, 26 is inrtioularly cesential that eupervisors
and nemcere talk with cne snother frocly and oftots Responsible
indiyidictis rust keop cach other 4: foraed.

Individual personale

Stics influonce communication and coopemtion mich norehere than |

in lena reiote and less dfeporned operations.


Ce “olnes and Norvert Tho nen wording for Holmes end Uarvor vere |
hard working, congenfal and very conpetert. Heving been told what
wis raguircd, they workod without need for conctant direct super
visgon,. ith few excavticns, vwhon finished with cne task, they
qmuld cone and ask what had te toe dene next.


“oct of the men are.

talented in miltirle sldlis, Uneneurcered by unicn restrictlons,

thoy shifted quickly to whatever talont was needed.

Benozemont, however, leftmoh to be


To rowdrc onemn


.. “

to 66 vroject mamarcry as well an rot
thecat,is acling too mich ps

‘even ina cull cmp,

Uefecta wore noted evriy, oxrcclally Tithe

Logistics control, The ficld work aloo suflerred. for, more often
than not, the word Just cicn's get cow to the men that had to do
the works



Ge Navy Sont Elonents Tho Navy men did an outstanding job ocneidoring
thelr expericnce and tho beata and equirmmt they had te work wlthe Siw 4
wtarting to work at slethirty july, they manaced tokoen the

beats cpcratéAnte

Since the niddle of Jone we hive lost less than

four hours of cleanup overations directly attributable to boat
fallurose About helf the satlors' nan hours ehovld be considered
training nince, with few oxcosticns, thay lackod the exportico neoded
od do a job quickly
end efficiently.




Select target paragraph3