Dr. John C.




- 3-5

May 20,


"How many persons were injured? How many were
indigenous inhabitants? What steps were taken
to treat and otherwise assist then? “hat is their
present condition?"

Sixty-four natives were evacuated from Rongelap, 18 from

Ajlinginae, and 15) from Utirik.,

of these, about ho

natives from Rongelan snowed beta radiation burns,
principally on their scalns and necks, Nearly all of
tiese burns have healed lcaving no permencnt marks. Some
30 natives also suffered loss of hair in small patches
which is expected to be followed by reyrowth of normal
All of the natives were irrsediately evacuated to Kwajalein,
vere they were given a thorough medical examination including blood counts.
They have been kept under constant sur-~
veillance by an Atomic Fnergy Commissicon—Departrent of
Defense team of wecdical experts. In adcition to the best
of nedical care, the natives were well provided for in
teris of food, clothing, sheltcr, and recreation,

Seestion S(a).


‘fas the lend area which was destroyed or rendcred
useless of any agricultural or economic value and,
if so, does tie Administering Authority plan to
compensate the owners or users? How?!

There was no land area outside of the Bikini and Eniwetok

Atolls that was destroyed or rendered useless of any agricultural or economic valve,

Cuestion 5(c).


The same answer applies here as to Question h(c),



"To the extent that marine life (an important source
of food) was contaminated, has any compensation or
assistance to the inhabitants affected been undertaken or pléenned?"

Select target paragraph3