K. D. Nichols, General Manager
Brig. Gen. K. FE. Fields


April 27, 1955

Other Business

5. U.K. and Ganadian Bilateral - Mr. Mitchell reported on generally
favorable reaction of industrial adwisory groups to the bilaterals. You mentioned
the groups concern that government restrictions would put U. S. business at competitive
disadvantege with U.K.
It was agreed that Mr. Murrey would invite Mr, Bennett to Washington
next week for further discussions,


A#EC-MIC Agenda - We reported no items for formal discussion,

7. DGD Bilaterals with U.K. and Cenadg - Mr. Mitchell seid that a letter
to the BCD on this subject would be presented for approval tomorrow.
8. Biology and Medicine Advisory Committee Recommendations on WIGWLM
Announcement - It was agreed that a letter to the Secretary of Defense should be
prepared informing him of the Committee's recommendation that the WIGWAM announcement
should be made in time to permit foreign countries to set up fish monitoring programs.
The letter is to inquire whether he believes it necessary to reopen the question of
the public release.


Joint Committee Request for Stockpile Information -

Agreed that

Joint Committee request would be confirmed at forthcoming weapons hearing. A
letter to Senator Anderson informing him that we plan to do this is to be prepared
and Senator Anderson is to be informed in advance that we sre sending this letter.
10, AEC €23 - édequacy of AEC Facilities, 1900-1970 - General assumptions
of the paper were discussed.
Items of Information

Selection of Corstruction and Electrical Contractors for Weldon Springs.


Dutch interest in engineering test reactor,




You may wish to inform the Joint Committee of Item 1.
fdditional Cther Business

Foster~Wheeler Proposal - Mr. Murray requested Mr. Tammaro to give him a
report on the Foster-Wheeler proposal to build a competitive 109,000 KW-Reactor
for 21 million dollars.

Select target paragraph3