sayy es


"We felt the American people were bound to hear about it (the petition).

We heve faith they (Americans) will do something about it."
Last year the United States sent 2 Marshallese to the United Nations.

This year, Heine said, the State Department said there were no funds for such
a trip.
He commented:

"It is our desire to have a representative there.

It would be advantageous

to the United States especialiy if Russia accuses America of using our people
like guinearigs for experiments,

Who could say it isn't so.

ter all we

are an ally and not en enemy." LBut apparently they think these naive people

might cause embarrassment."
Last year Mrs, Dorothy Kabue was present with Heine during the interview.

Others were Atian Anien, speaker of the Assembly, and Kabua Kabua, president

cf the House of IROJI (Lords).
The Marshallese are practical people.
tests might have to continve.

They recognize that the nuclear

If this is the case, said Heine, “our pevtiticn

outlines satisfactory alternatives."
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Select target paragraph3