Heitz has a sense of humor and timing.

He told this story of an American

Congressman who visited Majuro end spoke to the people,

He related:

The Congressman threw his arms out and said we are a Christian

You are a Christian people,

We want to save the world from Commmnisz,

We do not want you people to slip behind the Iron Curtain."

When I said Iron

Curtain the Marshallese looked et each and whispered Iron Curtain,

voat I was really stuck for explaining it.
to the people.

"I was

What is

The word Communism means nothing

I now use the word Russia for Commmnism.

"For instance

Quring your Sith Act trials I'd say Russia explain that these people were

trying to steal secrets from American and give them to Russia."
Present with i and Ajilon were Kabuakabua, district judge and
president cf the House of IROJI, and Dero Sykabua, Queen of the Majuro Atcll

and member of the Mouse of IROZI,

They gave the impression that they were

as concerned over the loss of land as they were about the hydrogen tests.

Losothy “abue, 55-year-old mother cf 4 sons, is a daughter-in-law of a late
calef cf the Eizini people.

paid for the Lagoon.

Heine said that the Bikini people had never been:

Asked how much she would estimate the Lagcon was worth,

Dorothy Kabua replied in Marshallese.

She said, "Herd estimate.

Islands grow coconuts, bread fruit.

The islandhome for birds.

many years lite,"

Heine tried to give a literal - reply.

Money spent use up gone.

Dorothy Kabua went to the U.N. last year,

The reef has

Lagoon gives many,
She is a short

stocky woman, wears glasses and at the time I was talking to her was wearing
a light print dress,
3-D movie.


Asked of her trip to New York she said she went to a

"It was a picture of a boat.

It looked like it was coming out on

It bounced up and down so mich I got seasick and had to leave," she

(more )

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