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"Even there," he said, "we have problems.
Closer than 35 yards of the beach.

We can't get the boats any

We will have to use block end tackle

and winch the stuff out of the boats."

Before the natives will be put ashore the ship will send a team of
sailors ashore to make sure it is safe.
When the natives pulisd out they left behind dogs, pigs, and chickens.
Trust, Territory and military people who have visited the islands since say that

the dogs have killed off the chickens and reverted to the wolf.
They figure that starvation probably has caused a war between the
hungry dogs and pigs.

Ail will be destroyed as a safety precaution.

The livestock later will be replaced by the [asc/ Joint Task Force.
Before it returns to Kwajalein the IST will go to Rongelap.
will let 13 natives go ashore to recover scme personal property.

There it

elso will pick up two schooners belonging to the Rongelap people and
transport them to Ejit.
ter talking to. the Marshallese I feel that they are not as concerned

with the explosions as they are tnat the tests might force them to lose

their heme lagoons.

The fate of the Bikinians, evicted in 1945 and now

on isolated Kili, stands like a ghost over these people.
Find a solution to their lot and what dissension has risen here
against the tests will disappear.

The Marshallese like Americans, believe


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