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Springfield Armory
Springfield, Mass.

Ordnance Corps

Applied research on heat and erosion resistant materials for small
arms Weapons, deterioration, preservation, and treatment of

leather, wood, and other non-metallic materials used in small arms,

Watertown Arsenal
Watertown, Mass,

Ordnance Corps

R&D on metals and metallic materials, principally ferrous, titanium,
and other transition metals and their alloys, and on armor, projectiles, guns, and gun carriages.

Watervliet Arsenal
Watervliet, New York

Ordnance Corps

R&D of artillery cannon above 20mm, mortars and component mechanisms,

Arctic Test Branch
Big Delta, Alaska

Army Field Forces

Composed of test groups I through IV, each group conducts service
tests under arctic and sub-arctic environmental and terrain conditions for equipment service tested by the respective numbered Arny
Field Forces Board.

Yuma Testing Station
Yuma, Arizona


For use of the Army to conduct research, development, and testing
of all equipment, materiel, and personne] under extreme hot—desert
conditions. This is a Class I installation under the command of
Hqs. 6th Army, with all test teams operating as Class II activities

under the direction of the Chief of the Service or Army Field Forces

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and research and development on ground type weapons up to and
including 30mm in caliber including automatic aircraft guns.

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