unexcelled by any other a

ON Static testing of

ballistic and sphere cases for the AEC has been performed.

e- Hydrodynamic
The Air Force has a competence in this field but has no facilities
relying upon NACA and contractor facilities.

f. Compatibility
The Special Weapons Command in conjunction with the WADC conducts
compatibility testing of Air Force aircraft.

a high competence exists

and much more extensive participation in this area could be provided.

U4. Associated Functions

ne Logistics

In the field of logistics, the Air Force obviously has extensive



The iM currently operates one site at Limestone, Maine and

soon will operate four more sites.

SAC has experience in this area due

to maneuvers both in the United States and overseas.

The Air Force

possesses a definite competence as to logistics including storage,



custody, surveillance, maintenance and modification as applied to atomic

b. WeaponsTests


at Sandstone and Greenhouse, the USAF provided airlift, comho



s munications, weather service, cloud sampling and cloud tracking facilities

~~" dn

addition to providing personnel and materiel to the AEC to assist in

the tests.

Drone aircraft were developed by the WADC for certain tests.

at Ranger and Buster, the US.\F also participated extensively as in
Sandstone and Greenhouse.

The competence of the Air Force in carrying

out work concerning atomic field tests has been amply demonstrated.
In the field of weapons effects, the USaF through WaDC has designed
and provided test panels and structures to be used in atomic field tests.

air Force sponsored studies on the effects of blest on aircreft in flight
are proceeding.

Operational suitability
Commencing with the 4N weapon, the Special Weapons Command has

conducted full scale operational suitability tests on atomic weapons.




Select target paragraph3