





exists for accomplishing such work through the medium of the tir Research
and Development Command and the ir Materiel Command and their contractors, -

Gc. Projectiles
AirForce experience and competence both as to development and

procurement is slight..

d. GuidedMissiles and Rockets
The ir Research and Development Command is actively engaged in

the development of guided missiles and rockets which will carry atomic

WADC laboratories monitor and project these developments and

Long Range Proving Ground Command presently 4s conducting flight tests

‘of certain guided missiles at Holloman and Patrick wir Force Bases.


AMC-WADC liaison officer is stationed at Sandia Base to follow the


progress of the marriage program of guided missiles and rockets and their


respective atomic warheads.

The jir Matcriel Command 1s procuring

quantities of guided missiles in much the same manner as quantity pro-

curement of aircraft is made,

e- Depth Charges,Mines,Torpedoes
The sRDC currently is engaged in a design study of a mine to be


delivered by aircraft.

Competence in thie field extends to any ensuing

i procurement by AMO. Relatively little experience exists in the air
} Force with regard to depth charges and torpedoes.


; 4. Bbelear Safingani irming

The Special Weapons Command along with the skDC contributed

considerably to the development of the H-l insertion gear and AMC has
procured numbers of the H-l gear.

The similarity of in flight insertion

gear to Air Force items being developed and procured indicates a high
competence in this area.

b. Gun-Type
The USF has not participated in this particular development
but 4s competent to develop and procure such items by virtue of the

Select target paragraph3