tow NS

material agencies throughout the Navy have contributed equipment and personnel to
measure and evaluate as appropriate practically all types of phenomena.


‘specific assistance by the Navy in conducting full scale tests include the
‘measurement of transit time, optical, thermal and alpha radiation, time dependent
“neutron release, shock and blast, soil displacement, and the effects of many of

these on personne] and materials.

NRL is conducting research in long range de-

téction. Buder is studying the response of aircraft to blast, heat and other
Qriiztio:, is exposing aircraft components to blast to develop deisgn criteria,
and is instrumenting aircraft and drones with a view to future tests.

The Buships

and the BuYards and Docks are each contributing in their specific fields with
accent on certain of their broad responsibilities, such as radiological safety

(NROL) and structural designe



Select target paragraph3