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Inoreascd participation by tho Department of Defense in tho weapons program
should be justified not only by the availability of facilities and talent, but
by the establishmont of a more effective control than presently exists.


. appears that the chartering of a Department of Defense agency toward this end
4s necessary.

Furthermoro, it is apparent that any agency with such powers

- vested in it must be oxpable of rising above the interests of individual
: Services and should possoss outstanding competence in tho atomic ordnance field.


It 4s to the national interest that the Services participate as much

e@: possible, particularly in those areas whore the Department of Defense has
existing facilities and greater experionce.

In some fields, like the develop-

ment of ballistic shapes, aerodynamics, tosting, power supplics, handling
equipment, and packaging, it is evident that Dopartment of Defense laboratorics
and personnel possess broad experience through long association with the many
probloms from weapon conception to delivery.

There is little doubt thot in

many instances it is more appropriate to delegate control of a development to


the Department of Defense than to vost it in a civilian contractor.


It is

Ea ronely indicated that, pending a clear determination of ultimate responsibilities, the Atomic Energy Commission and Department of Defense should
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Such o Clarificetion would improve the joint AEC-DOD cffort, would improve




attempt to define responsibilities before projects are accepted and begun.


relationships and might obviate the military's having subordinate responsibi-


lities in arcas where it has the major intcrest.

Procurement and Production - The Department of Defense docs relatively

little production in its integral facilities in relation to the total production
unde: cilitary cognizance; however, there are many laboratories, depots, arsorals,
gun factories, and navy yards which arc manned by personnel of extraordinary

These installations are, or would be, exceptionally uscful

for development fabrication and for usc as job shops.

The majority of mili-

tary production is accomplished by civilian industry and toward this end the
three Services through ycars of experience have developed competont procurement organizations for administering contracts from negotiation through accoptanco.

Tho procurement organization of the Department of Defense is so

oxtensive that it covers practically tho entire industry of the United States,



Select target paragraph3