

Whydo I need to take medicine for my thyroid?
If you had an operation and yourthyroid gland was removed,the medicine will

do the job that your thyroid used to do. So, you must keep taking your medicine.

Some people who did not have the operation take different medicine so that their
thyroid glands do not get sick. It is very important that you take your medicineif
you wantto stay healthy.
Whatkindofradiation caused thyroid sickness and leukemia?

Thyroid sickness in Rongelap was caused bya certain type of radiation that at-

tacked the thyroid gland. Scientists call it iodine131 or radioactive iodine. All of
the radiation is gone now butthe thyroid in some people was damaged andit takes

a long timefor thesickness to show. Leukemiais a disease of the blood. Doctors do
not know howit is caused but they know that blood is made inside your bones and

that someofthe radiation is in your bones. In leukemia the bonesaresick so they

cannot make blood properly.

Vj aikuij ke idrak uno kin thyroid eo ao?
Elane kwar mwijmwij im thyroid gland eo am ejako, uno in enaj komonejerb
eo an kar thyroid gland eo. Kin menin kwoj aikuij idrak uno. Armij ro rar
mwijmwij rej bok jet kain uno bwe en jab naninmij thyroid ko aer. Ekanoj la
tokjen bwe kwon bok uno ko elane kwokonan bwe kwon ejmur.

Kain rot poison co ear komon naninmij in thyroid ak leukemia?
Naninmij in thyroid eo ear walokin Rongelap ej walok jen jet ian poison ko
kakure thyroid ko ak komon bwe ron naninmij. Im scintists ran roj na
etan iodine 12
ak radioactive iodine. Aoleb poison in im jako botab jet ian armij ro ar joren thyroi
ko ibeir im kio enaj orjirik ien im ronaj bok naninmij. Leukemia ¢j naninmi
j i
botoktok. Doctor ro rojab jele ewi wewen an komon naninmij. Botab rojele by
botoktok ¢j komanim walok jen dri ko ilo enbwin, im kio ewor moton poison in i!
dri ko drim. Ilo leukemia ne dri ko drim roj Naninmij eban emon air koma

What will happento the people wio were not exposed to radiation but are now
living on Rongelap and Utirik?

They don’t havetoworry because we don’t believe that they will get sick from the

radiation.” .

Feast - People
"Thine wee Dawnslat hanhle

Thev avo hantthy

Eworta enaj walok non armij ro rar jab jorren ak rej joke kio ilo ailin kein?
Rej jab aikuij inebata bwe kim ij jab tomak renaj naninmij jen poison.

Kojkoj in mone - Armij


Rel armisin Ranaslah

Peaae ave wm neice bet.

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