

President Robert Gerdon Spronl
University of California

Berkeley 4, California

Page £

of piant nutrition and e011 ehemistry. Discussions with
leaders in these verious fielda have shown that euch a some
bination of selentifia abilities is very rare. From these
Giscussions it Le evident that the cutstanding epectaliats

in problems of this type are Dea. R. L. Overstreet and Louis
Jacobson of the College of Agrieulture of the University ef
Californis. Dr. Overstreet partisipated in last gqumer's

Cestr at Bikini and sentributed resalte of majer importanes. |
ine tn view of thesesirousstances < am Shereforepre.


to request on beha



Navy Separteen


authorise Professors Overstreet and Jacobson toparticipate

in thia summer's expedition to Bikini as leaders ef the radiocchemical group ef the projeet. I realize that such pertielpation mey involve eonsiderable
personal inconvenience to
these scientists and alec gay de y other valuable werk planned
by the University, tut I respectfully urge that the ianortance

of the work at Bikini, both So baeic selence and to problens

of national cefense, justity e diversion of the time and
energies of Professors Overstreet and Jacobson Guring the
@omine three months.

Sincerely youre,

CCt Dean Hutchingon

College of Arrieculture


University of California
Berkeley, California

Mr, David Lilienthal

Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission

Waehington, DB. C.

Dean Staffer’ L. Warren
Collere of Nedicine

University ef California at Les Angeles

Los Angeles, California


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