
Me RA s Co We


ee eat consiRs af A. pages

No. SF Copies, Series _/f.

<6 32¢, S/-57 Secretary

Box No, (83 (WN3-326 -793-o10)

FOLDER Redwingvol- Tr
on 8


Bear Generai Laper:

Thig ie in answer to your letter of Jume 20, 1956, concerning

the proposed briefing of Ualted Kingdom ead Cansdian official
Se Ogle, Deputy Commander fer Scientific Hatterz,
JTF? «

the Comeission requests certein changes be made in the table of
shots attached to the proposed talk.

Ae presently written In.

Ogle will be able to disequgsa only three shate (LACROSSE, GHEROKEE,
plus the shot observed) from the table. Since these will give a
very incomplete picture of Gperation RELWING we suggeat Ir. Ogle
be antherised to present the entire table but with the dates of
the shote deleted and the “Approximate fxpected Yield" replaced

by the following:

‘Low EE* (Less than 100 XT)
“High KEY (160-999 KT}

"“Megaten" (1 MI or greater)

Tf all shots are listed, giving the dates ef the shots may perait
accurate correlation of the shots with British debris samples
and long range detection measurements. Also, if approximate

yields of ail shote are furnished, by averaging these a fairly

aceurste estimate of the total yield could be obtained. Since
it may later be desirable to furnish the British the total flaaion
yield of the REDWING series in connection with intelligence co-

operation we believe it undesirable to give even approximete
yields of all shote.

With the changes noted above the Commission concurs in the use of
the preposed talk for briefing the foreign observers at Operation
REDWIEG. As revised we believe the briefing material does not
contein any Restricted Tata and that a formal joint determination

under Section lb ie oot required.


2 Mie cua es defined

wR! fc cf 1234.

tts transmittal

Gesue ci its conteats in anij manne
r to

é7 unauihorized person is prohibited.

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