WOV-82-1999 14:13) FROM -“ITS-DOE—) 70 DOE HGTRS Edt F.8S It is not my place to say don't survey elsewhere in the Marshalls or in the Trust Territory. There has been some fallout there. However, on the basis of the measurements [ have seen, and these can't compare with the data collected in the Northern Marshalls, I would expect to find deposition and exposure levels not significantly differant from those attributable to worldwide fallout. \ ‘s I hope this review of history answers some of the questions on how the islands and atolls were chosen for the Northern Marshalls Survey. If there is any additional information I can provide, please let me know. Ae Ona Jam Ade: Tom McCraw ue 3 cS C7 Ge se c.¢. Harry Brown TOTAL P.8