& PRIVACY ART MATERIAL REMOVED 408484 LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY Room: 332 Bldg: 930) Exr.: 5545 November 2, 1979 dD Me Cy H MB es SUBJECT: cafan EK de ~ Personnel Involved in Atmospheric Nuclear Tests rp AS you can see in the attached article from the Oakland Tribune, DOE is looking for participants in atmospheric nuclear tests. TID has three (3) people who were participants and they are listed beiow: FR [1-2 P- 77 George hagawa Ted Kirksey “— Also, Ed Pollack of Accounting was involved in the tests of 1962, We would appreciate any direction you could give us. TH. Kickyfl T. H. Kirksey, Jr. Head, Technical Information Department cc: RR. K. Arcachment Wakerling BEST COPY AVAILABLE