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the laws of the United States.

Sections 224-227,

(See the Atomic Energy Act of 1954,

See also Title 18, U.SS. Sec 791-798 and

Exdoutive Order 10104 of February 1, 1950, 15 FR. 597).

13. Termination

The Commission may terminate this contract upon 30 days written
notice of such terminafion addressed to the Agency. In the event of
such termination the funds advanced to the Agency shall be charged

with obligations actually incurred to the date upon which notice of

termination is received and with commitments which the Agency, in the
exercise of due diligence, is unable to cancel extending beyond the
date notice of termination is received to a date not later than the
date upon which the contract would have expired if not terminated
under this paragraphe
14, Definitions

For purposes of this agreement, the term “Commission” means

the U. S, Atomic Energy Commission, and the term “Agency” means the

Department of the Navy, Bureau of Ships.




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