
Aecounting Records = Inspection and Auiit

The Agency shell maintain separate accounts for aceuulating

Coste incurred, obligstions, and expenditures mede in connection

with the work being performed unter this agroonent, in such form
and detail es the Comission my require, All books of acccurt,

recorcs, documents, and other eviderce of costa relating to this

contract shell be subject to inspection and audit by the Cariscion

at all reasonable t'nes, and the Agency shall afford the Comis ion
proper facilities for such inspection and mdit, Gubject to such

other disposition ae my be agreed uocon ty the Agency ani the

Comission, tha Acency shell, for « period of five (5) years cfter

comiletion or termination of this contract, preserve such of the
books af account, records, cocunents, end other avicence of costs

ralatire to this contract as are not farcished ty the Agena to the

Comission in support of peynents under the contract.

Excess Funds
The Agency shall takes prompt action to return funds to ths

Comission unier the following circuss tances:

funés remaining



at the

time o convantion of the werk or ie the + occaptration

or canceellaticn of this agreenant, or

(ce) Such funds as may be determined by the Agency te be

excessive to the work during the perforrance of the works


Construction ant Cacitel Boutoment
Unless expressly authorised by the Comission in advance,
rm funis tronsferred unier this acreaeent shell te used for
startine sony mow construction projects

Je Procertyani Proverty Accountability

If, unier the terms of this agreeent, arproval is granted
for the yrocurmernt of caritel equicment or for the construction
of facilities for the acco.nt of the Conmrissions

(a) Title to equipment purchased with Comission funis
shall vest and renain in the Comission and such

equirment shall be plsced in the custody of the

Comission at the conclosion of the projecte

(o) TMtle te facilities constructed shall wast in the
Camission unless otherwise provided herwing


Select target paragraph3