@4¥kh is more readily sampled and enalyzed than ere hasans.

Using the comwamtional (although perhaps inaccurate) assuaptions for the

infant of 30% FP?) uptake in the thyroid, an effective retention half-time

of 7.6 days and a thyroid weight of 2 grams; an intake of $8,500 picocuries

of 19) delivers a dose of 1.0 rad to the thyroid. In the 1962 incident

the average intake for consumption of 1 liter of milk per day was 58,000

pc 3) prom pendleton's 39 milk farms scattered throughour uran@3). 4


somewhat lower intake of 37,000 pc I>! (the corresponding infant thyroid
dose is 0.63 red) was obtained by the U. §. Public Health Service fer the
Salt Lake City milk pool ™5)*, unfortunately, 2°) was mot measured in
milk or people throughout Utah during Meveda testing prior to 1962.

seriously aits the accurecy of the remining aethods for estimation ob

3) cocsurs.

The arrival ef fallout causes en imeseqase in vey “background”.

15! 45 mut one component of this ectivity. Fertunately, veriations i

the I?)/roeal activity satios ean be vaduced by correcting the preading
te « standard refereane tinyouch as bGty after detonation weing the


é R estactively talde back or falls out relative

YT dapind‘en which elenent was fiseioned

relation®)woesmes ns varies agyweniontely ss (tine)@?-?.


Select target paragraph3