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On the othér hand. if an 220 cf C.i is closer > the truth, then it
will be diflicwlc te separate tre radaatiin- induced cancers frem the “spontaneous".

Ome sannct nein but wonder what rraction cf the sc-called “spon-

taneous” <ancers are in fact cue to medical x-rays given before or after

If a sufficientiy high threshceld exists for the induction of thyroid
cancer by irradiation, cnen there nay be no cases caused by fallout.
The fact that many children were born when there was no testing with-

which the noraal
in 2 years of birth provides an internal control by


incidence of thyroid cancer in Utah can be established.


Also, the

distribution of fallout suggests that slightly contaminated areas “Gould
serve aS controls for those heavily contaminated.

Finally, the fact that

with other factors being equal, ysl dose is proportional to milk consumption Suggests that in theory the low milk drinkers could serve as controls

Sor the high milk drinkers. However, from the practicel standpoint, the
work and uncertainty in estimating individual milk consumptions in retrospect doesnetieus


gising except for limited areas such as St. George

tion is the prediction that the mmber of cases
jared to that for the state as a whole.

Ie is

indeed fortunate that ‘only a few hundred children received high exposures.
Crude as these dose estimates are, they indicate the advisability of
studies for possible delayed radiation effects in Utah.

To be fruitful

such studies should have long-term support and look for other effects in
addition to thyroid cancer.

Select target paragraph3