
Director of Exercise Desert Rock VII and VIII is Lt. General

Robert N. Young, Commanding General of the Sixth U. S. Arny,
Presidio of San Francisco. Deputy Director is Brigadier General
Walter A, Jensen, Commanding General of Camp Irwin, California..

U. S. Navy

The Navy is conducting a training project sponsored by the U. S.
Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks. Navy personnel perform monitoring
exercises in an induced field of comparatively low radiation.
The Navy is also conducting effects tests on non-rigid airships

(blimps) and helicopters in many shots during the series.
Marine Corps

Approximately 2,500 Marines participated in a combined airground exercise in connection with the Hood shot detonated July 5.

This maneuver was a further test of the Corps! established doctrine
of "vertical envelopment" in tactical atomic warfare.
The Fourth Marine Corps Provisional Atomic Exercise Brigade,
commanded by Brigadier General Harvey C. Tschirgi, conducted the_
exercise, Making up the Brigade are elements of the First Marine
Division, Camp Pendleton, and the Third Marine Aircraft Wing,
Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro.
The Fourth Brigade executed a tactical maneuver involving

the helicopter lifting a reinforced infantry battalion in air

attack to seize, occupy and defend an objective in exploitation of
an atomic explosion.
A company of the battalion mobed to the ground objective

mounted in LVTP5's - the Marine Corps! latest version of the amphi-

bian tractor that stormed Pacific beaches in World War II.


armored monster is capable of bringing Marines ashore with dry feet,
and then transporting them inland to their objective.

Supporting the amphibian-mounted company was a platoon of
the Corps' newest anti-tank weapon - the Ontos - a small tracked
vehicle with tremendous firepower,

Marine close air support was furnished by jet fighter air-

craft bas€da at the Marine Corps Air Facility, Mojave, California.
U. S. Air Force
Participation of the Air Force in Operation Plumbbob includes
an important air support role, participation in experimental operations, and training.



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