Under a contract between the Public Health Service and the Conmmission, the monitoring system will operate throughout the series and
for some weeks thereafter,

The primary purposes of the system are to give state and local
health departments more experience in studying fallout and normal
background radiation levels, and to obtain daily records of radioactivity. The stations are manned by trained technicians from
state health departments, local universities and scientific


Measurements of Radioactivity Outside the U. S.

Dust samples are collected at 73 stations outside of the continental United States and extending around the world. Their
locations ‘are:

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Anchorage, Alaska; Bangkok, Siam;
Beirut, Lebanon; Belem, Brazil; Bermuda; Buenos Aires, Argentina;

Canal Zone; Canton Island; Churchill, Manitoba, Canada; Clarke AFB,
Philippines; Colombo, Ceylon; Dakar, French West Africa; Deep River,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Durban Natal, South

Africa; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Fairbanks, Alaska; French Frigate

Shoals; Goose Bay, Labrador; Guam; Hilo, Hawaii; Hiroshima, Japan;
Honolulu, Hawaii; Iwo Jima; Johnson Island; Juneau, Alaska;
Keflavik, Iceland; Koror; Kwajalein; La Paz, Bolivia; Lagens, Azores;

Lagos, Nigeria; Leopoldville, Belgian Congo; Lihue; Lima, Peru;

Melbourne, Australia; Mexico City, Mexico; Midway Island; Milan,
Italy; Misawa, Japan; Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada; Monrovia,

Liberia; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Moosoonee, Ontario, Canada;
Nagasaki, Japan; Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa; Nome, Alaska; North Bay,

Ontario, Canada; Noumea, New Caledonia; Oslo, Norway; Ponape;
Prestwick, Scotland; Pretoria, South Africa; Quito, Ecuador; Regina,
Saskatchewan, Canada; Rhein Main, Germany; San Jose, Costa Rica;
San Juan, Puerto Rico; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Seven Islands, Quebec,
Canada; Sidi Slimane, French Morocco; Singapore; Stephenville,
Newfoundland; Sydney, Australia; Tai Pei, Formosa; Thule, Greenland;
Tokyo Air Base, Japan; Truk; Wake Island; Wellington, New Zealand;
Wheelus AFB, Tripoli; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Yap.
- Soils also are sampled on a world-wide basis, and samples

of other materials such as milk and cheese, field crops, and human

and animal bones are taken for analysis of their strontium-90
content. This program is part of the Commission's Project Sunshine,
a study of the world-wide distribution and uptake of strontium-90.
Fallout Computers
Two electronic computers designed to provide a very rapid
forecast of nearby radioactive fallout are being used for the first
time in continental atomic tests during Operation Plumbbob,.


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Both machines furnish extremely fast information to the Test

Organization on just where and in what amounts there may be fallout

Select target paragraph3