would exceed 3 to 6 roentgens, but when such levels are indicated
the shot is, of course postponed.

It is the possibility of heavy fallout within 20 miles and undesirable fallout within perhaps 30 or 40 miles which prevents
firing when the winds are out of the north or the west-of-north,

and sometimes when they are from other directions,

The prevailing winds in southern Nevada are westerlies and
'south-westerlies, For this reason, the permanent on-site control

structures were located to the south of Yucca Flat (the area most
used for detonations) and Camp Mercury was located on the southern
edge of Nevada Test Site. Camp Desert Rock is in the same general
area as Mercury. The location of the Control Point, which contains
much film and other sensitive materiel, of troop and other observer
areas, of Camp Mercury, and of Camp Desert Rock (all being within

range of heavy, early fallout on the more sensitive shots) prevents

firing when winds are out of the north. Shots have, of course, been
fired many times when the atomic cloud was blown overhead to the
south —- but these were shots which did not involve heavy early



Indian Springs~AF Base is only 37 miles to the southeast. Its
location has caused postponements on many shots where stronger winds,
without shear, would result in unacceptable fallout across the air
base, It is usually the presence of Camp Mercury or of Indian
Springs AF Base which has caused postponements of "sensitive" shots

on occasion, not the presence of Las Vegas which is about 90 miles
southeast of the center of Yucca Flat.

For like reasons, close attention is also always paid to Groom
Mine, which is about 22 miles northeast from the center of Yucca,
and to Lathrop Wells, about 37 miles’ to the southwest,
Outside of the four areas mentioned, to the southwest, south,
southeast, and northeast, the direction which will be acceptable on
such shots depends largely on wind speeds and wind shear, inasmuch
as in all other directions there are quite a few miles of Test Site

or unoccupied Bombing Range before occupied places are reached.

_ Three directions from Yucca are most desirable. If wind speeds
are low and if the winds at various altitudes are from different

directions, the result will be a short, widely-diffused fallout

pattern. Im such instances, the areas immediately east, north,
northwest are fully acceptable, because of the open spaces and the
distances to occupied places. Most of such shots have been fired
while winds were blowing into the east solely because winds in
Nevada usually blow in that direction. If winds blew out of the
southeast, more shots would be fired with winds blowing into tle
Maps used by the Test Organization place a 10-mile buffer zone
¢@round all occupied places in the region out to 100 to 150 miles.
“g- Shots are fired only if it appears that fallout will be very light

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Select target paragraph3