‘balloon as a detonation platform is very much less expensive than a
tower, The principal purpose in using balloon suspension is to decrease nearby fallout, to permit better scheduling by avoiding long

weather delays, and to obtain better positioning at higher altitudes’
than would be possible through air drops which might otherwise be
necessary on some shots in the Plumbbob series, but which now are
scheduled on balloons.



Another consideration in the use of balloons is the fact that
there is a practical limit to the height of towers for supporting
nuclear shot devices.

This limit has two factors:

(1) The limitation of weight in that it is not

practical to build a 1,500-foot tower, for example,

that would support two tons or so; and,


A point is reached when it would not be

appropriate to use towers because the increased amount
of tower material would add materially to the nearby


At a certain altitude, ground material no

longer is picked up into the fireball and this is advantageous. However, at some higher point, the increased
material vaporized into the fireball from the tower itself
offsets the lack of ground material. Balloons solve this
problem by providing very little fallout material. The

helium in the balloon may be heated by the nuclear reaction
during a detonation but there is no other physical effect.


As in past series, safeguarding the public health and safety is
a primary consideration in the Plumbbob series of nuclear tests.
Because of improved controls and procedures, radioactive fall-

out in the area around the Test Site is expected to be even lower

than the levels which have resulted from previous tests in Nevada.
For the United States as a whole, average exposure will be small in
comparison with the radiation dosage normally received from natural
"background" radiation. Fallout levels in other parts of the world

as a result of the tests generally will be lower than those in the

United States.

Systems of detecting and measuring fallout radioactivity have
been expanded and improved in order to provide more extensive data
for scientific purposes and for informing the public. Radiological
monitoring will be conducted by several networks of stations extending from the Test Site region to locations around the world.
Each test scheduled for Operation Plumbbob has been carefully

evaluated to determine that it is necessary for achievement of the


the United States and the Free World.


overall objective of strengthening the military and civil defense of

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