The sixth shot (Hood) was fired July 5 after a number of technical

delays, Placement was in a balloon-suspended cab 1500 feet above ground
level. It was confirmed that the yield was well above the highest yield
shot previously fired in the Continental United States.
Shot Names



Les Alamos Scientific Laboratory in the 1957 series is using the


names of deceased scientists as code names for its shots,

The Livermore Laboratory is using the names of mountain peaks for

all of its full-scale shots in the series,

‘Two"shots of primary importance to the Department of Defense were
not named for scientists cr mountain peaks. One of these is the

"Priscilla" shot.

Dual and Triple Capability
During the 1955 series, a "dual capability" scheduling was employed
for the first time,-when several times during the series two shots, one
of greater sensitivity and one of lesser, were scheduled for firing on
the same day. Often under weather conditions that were unacceptable ~
for firing the more sensitive shot, the lesser one could be fired. This
resulted in expediting the series.
The same concept has been adopted for the 1957 series, and resulted

early in the series in the first (Boltzmann) and second (Franklin) shots

being ready for firing on the same day.

In situations involving repeated postponements, it may be that triple
capability wili result, where any one of three shots might be fired depending on weather, Jn such a situation, the most sensitive shot would be fire
if the projected fallout pattern were acceptable; if it could not be
fired, the next shot in sensitivity would be considered for firing, and
finally the least sensitive shot would be considered if neither of the
other two could be fired.
Yield Range of a Device

Yield of an experimental device usually is not projected by the

design laboratory as a specific figure, but is estimated to the Test
Organization as a range from a predicted low to a predicted high figure.

In some instances the variation may be rather small, as from eight to
ten kilotons;


ain others it may be much larger, as from three to ten

While the yield actually achieved is of course important to the

design laboratory, the technical success of the experiment does not
depend on whether the yield is within the high or the low range of the
In evaluating public safety factors while determining whether a
shot is to be fired, the Test Organization always considers the yield

as if it wili be at the highest predicted kiloton level.




Select target paragraph3